Kadogo – Child Soldier

Kadogo - Child Soldier

Chilean company La Patriótico Interesante had their UK premiere of this gripping, poignant and visually stunning story highlighting the plight of child soldiers at GDIF in 2014.

Gritty, urgent and ultimately touching, Kadogo, child Soldier explores the themes of loss, childhood and innocence in a world where children are drawn into the realms of narco-trafficking and guerrilla warfare.

Performed in circus style, La Patriótico Interesante’s heartfelt performances combine with live music, fire effects and inventive staging to devastating effect.

Project Details

Company: La Patriótico Interesante
Skills Photography
Location: GDIF, London

Project Feature

Using natural light for a show performed out doors and after sunset. Images used by La Patriótico Interesante as part of their archived and promotional activities for the company and the show itself.